Sunday, November 23, 2008

Unit Four/Online Lab-Embronic and Fetal Development



(1)--quick description of what the event is

(2)--when (hour, week, day or month) during development when it occurs
(3)--why you think it is significant--image or photo of that event or stage for five of the events (web link provided for lab)
(1) Oocyte Fertilized/ Conception occurs-1 day post ovulation-
Penetration by one sperm into the oocyte’s tough membrane, within hours fertilization is complete and the zygote is created with the entire set of genetic make-up complete! This is significant because it is the miracle of life. This is how it ALL begins!

(2) Heart division into two chambers-6 week old fetus-
The baby’s heart beats twice as fast as an adult heart beat and it is starting to divide into two chambers. This is significant because the heart is starting to develop in ways that will last throughout the human lifetime (two chambers in the heart: the left and right ventricles).
 (web link provided for lab)

(3) Upper limb buds appear- 25-27 days post-ovulation (first trimester)
During this time the face and neck are starting to take shape and also the eye and ear will begin to form. During this stage the beginning cells of the liver also begin which is the first piece of the digestive system that is yet to come. The significance of this stage is that the limb buds are the beginning of the arms/hands/fingers of the human body.

(4) Hind brain is beginning to develop- 37-42 days (first trimester) The brain is beginning to become defined in the various regions. The hind brain, which is responsible for regulating heart regulation, breathing and muscle movements, begins to develop. The significance of this part of development is the brain and body functions are becoming synchronized to perform functions both voluntarily and involuntarily. (web link provided for lab)

(5) Spontaneous movement begins-51 - 53 days post-ovulation- Tiny muscles and nerves are connected to the brain and the fetus is able to make spontaneous movements. The significance is that this is the first stage where the unborn fetus can move independently.

(6) End of the embryonic period- 56-60 days post-ovulation- The embryo has now reached the stage of development that it is a fetus. The significance is that development of the ears, eyes, taste buds, teeth, upper palate, intestines, and limbs is well advanced. The “tail” is now gone. The external genitals are still not developed well.

(7) Basic brain structure in place-61-68 days post-ovulation- The brain can rapidly grow from this point on as the brain structure is complete in the fetus. The significance of this stage is that the brain parts are formed now and will continue to grow within the fetus. Another significant event during this same stage is that the facial features of the fetus are distinguishable. (web link provided for lab)

(8) Sexual organs are clearly visible- 14 week post-ovulation- At this stage the fetus’ sex organs, whether male or female, can be easily seen. Toenails are also starting to grow from the nail beds during this stage.

(9) Finger and toe prints swirls are formed-16 week post-ovulation- The significance of this stage is that the set of prints that makes this individual different than every other individual ever born are starting to be formed on each finger/thumb pad, as well as on the toe pads. (web link provided for lab)
(10) Immune system begins to develop-32 weeks post-ovulation- At this stage the fetus’ immune system is beginning to develop its defense against germs, virus, and bacteria. The significance of this stage is that the defenses are already being put into place that will help protect the baby after birth. Another fact I find significant during this stage is that the eyes of the fetus can remain open during times of alertness and they shut during times of sleep.